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What is the School Community Council?

A school community council is a committee made up of parents and school professionals who help determine the needs of our school and the best methods and programs to support those needs through the School Land Trust Program.  The school community council members will meet throughout the school year to discuss the school’s needs, the School Land Trust plan, and its implementation.

SCC Elections

SCC elections are held in the fall. A form for interested candidates will be sent out early in the school year.  Elections will be held within two weeks.

If you are interested in serving on the council, please fill out this form.

Parent Members:

Amanda Borneman – Chair 

Christel Goslin

Daleya Wekluk

Joseph Chohang Ng

NaShai Oakeson


Terri Rigby – Principal 

Faculty Members:

Karen Pauga – Secretary 

Robert Dolce 

Sheri Card – Vice Chair

Meeting Dates for 2024-25:

Community members are invited to attend

September 26
November 13
January 8
March 13
April 24

All Meetings are held at 9:30 AM in the conference room.


If you would like to contact the School Community Council, or request for a topic to be added to the agenda for an upcoming meeting, please email Terri Rigby